On Wednesday June 25th, Fr. Frank Pavone hosted a conference call with pro-life leaders headed up by Priests for Life that talks about in greater detail about their new project: "Is this what you mean?"
On abortion, Fr. Frank Pavone discusses the reasons why secular should redefine abortion and not merely speak of it in terms of a gray area, but in terms of black and white. Our mentality of abortion should not be one of good thoughts, but the destructive nature that is inherent in the procedures being performed.
The plan is to change the definition of abortion; that destroyed fetuses, babies that are slaughtered and the after effects that come with abortion. Their plan is to talk to politicians who are defiant for abortion, go to their offices in Washington DC, and ask them questions about the procedures done.
In my opinion, this is a bold but necessary operation that needs to be undertaken. As pro-lifers, we need to defend for life and define abortion as one that is destructive, gory, and remove the blinds over women. We are in a culture war, one of change for choice against that stand for life. Too often does the secular world speak of abortion as good and acceptable, when actually its horrible, terrible, and destructive
Listen to the replay of the conference call here: http://www.instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=3265320
Finally, how do we speak of abortion? When we say abortion, is this what you mean?