I received word from Heinz Corporation that they have pulled their UK ad entirely after receiving 200 complaints from consumers about the advertisement. Their ad, which was being featured in the United Kingdom, featured a gay couple kissing.
Below is the press release that Heinz Corp sent out regarding the ad:
Heinz Says Its UK Ad for Deli Mayo Was Not in Accordance with Corporate Policy
PITTSBURGH--Heinz has confirmed that it withdrew a UK TV commercial for Deli Mayo last week because it was not in accordance with Heinz’s long-standing corporate policy of respecting everyone’s rights and values.
“Heinz pulled the ad in the UK because our consumer research showed that it failed in its attempt to be humorous and offended people on all sides,” said Michael Mullen, Director of Global Corporate Affairs for Heinz.
“Heinz apologizes for its misplaced attempt at humor and we accept that this ad was not in accordance with our long-standing corporate policy of respecting everyone’s rights and values,” Mullen said.